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Korea Journal
Sociologisk Forskning
Disegnare Idee Immagini-ideas Images
Revista De Historia Da Sociedade E Da Cultura
Nwig-new West Indian Guide-nieuwe West-indische Gids
European Legacy-toward New Paradigms
Scottish Journal Of Theology
Revue Du Nord
Neue Zeitschrift Fur Systematische Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie
American Imago
Slavic And East European Journal
Scriblerian And The Kit-cats
Latin American Economic Review
Millennium Film Journal
Ricerche Di Storia Dell Arte
New Orleans Review
Massachusetts Review
Journal Of The Australian Library And Information Association
Argumenta Oeconomica
Aevum-rassegna Di Scienze Storiche Linguistiche E Filologiche
Contemporary Pragmatism